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    181-200 of 1857 messages displayed
    1677. v1p [v1p]  (2008-08-15 11:06 AM)
    leave her alone inne.. idoit nappy crying like a baby.. becuz his out of clan..
    + hes begging for being in the clan urm?.. .. Freakk!

    1676. v1p [v1p]  (2008-08-15 11:05 AM)
    viali just fuck off man wat u want from nicky..!!

    1675. .:TidaL'   (2008-08-15 7:56 AM)
    ok ask abe then

    1674. oL4v [ViaLi]  (2008-08-15 7:37 AM)
    biggrin ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    cool wacko tongue

    1673. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-15 7:15 AM)
    i wil refresh all page olav , when i use my new site, ok , greetz -xxx-

    1672. HyDrO'uZ   (2008-08-15 6:40 AM)
    RiF doe toch eens normaal tegen envy ... -.-
    die kerel doet gewoon zijn best en jij gaat leugens vertellen zodat mensen hem no0b gaan vinden

    slaat nergens op

    @ ViaLi : true the duel system is crazy surprised

    @ nicky : HELLLLOOOOO <3

    so remember kids :$ uZ best

    1671. oL4v [ViaLi]  (2008-08-15 3:39 AM)
    u can add duels but not remove angry

    1670. miKzi [miKzi]  (2008-08-14 9:21 PM)

    abe vs. >N!cK-> 5-3

    1669. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-14 7:37 PM)
    dont write rubbish in here, in the message stands, ozan and abe watched it and they told rif , so dont write in here anymore about it, 4 persones say its played thats enough for me -xxx- greetz nicky

    1668. .:TidaL'   (2008-08-14 6:03 PM)
    hmm funny how yes ask error this b4 we was going 2 duel i said im not duelling with RiF in the room if rif was there how could it be me i admit i was going 2 duel and stfu rif u never been me 5-0 and i didnt say i won 3-1 so stfu

    1667. Xz`RiF   (2008-08-14 5:18 PM)
    <-3rr0r< 4-3 .:EnvY

    EnvY always lais about deuls

    envy liegt altijd over duels
    ik heb een duel met em gespeelt 5-0 gewonne
    dan zegt ie ineens 3-1 voor hem
    das heel zwak en ik heb et gehoord van abe en Ozan
    zij ware erbij (het duel)
    about the duel <-3r0rr< vs .: envY= envy always lies about duels, i won a duel agenst him 5-0 , he said 3-1 for him, thats very weak and abe and ozan told me they saw the duel <-< agenst .: , greetz

    3rr0r winner

    1666. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-14 5:12 PM)
    no fake duels here , peepz saw the duel, rif and ozan were there , greetz , nicky

    1665. .:TidaL'   (2008-08-14 4:25 PM)
    take fake duel off plz

    1664. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-14 4:12 PM)
    ok nick is done, greetz -xxx- nicky

    1663. >N!cK-> [NicK]  (2008-08-14 3:36 PM)
    Hey Nicky, I would like to tell you i would like to change my name as >N!cK-> ty..

    1662. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-14 2:12 PM)
    when i feel like it , olav , ok ??? greetz -xxx-

    1661. aD*$crY   (2008-08-14 1:47 PM)
    I win duell vs <-Gz0< 3-1

    1660. >Dr4gN-> [NicK]  (2008-08-14 1:29 PM)
    Hey Nicky, I would like to tell you i would like to change my name is >N!cK-> ty..


    1659. Kaj ragnar campagne [FreeZ]  (2008-08-14 12:02 PM)
    Have a great holiday kasp and hugo biggrin

    1658. oL4v [ViaLi]  (2008-08-14 11:48 AM)
    remove my duels?

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