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    221-240 of 1857 messages displayed
    1637. >Dr4gN-> [NicK]  (2008-08-10 8:37 PM)
    I would like to duel some1 but... I need more training lol...
    Nicky, can u help me find my skillz i had 6 months ago? :O

    n e ways.........................................................................
    I-D PWNS EVERY 1!!!!!! smile

    1636. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-10 6:13 PM)
    clanwar= <-3r0rr< & <-Dolha< vs .:envy & .:gudeN = 5-3 , gratzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz guys luv ya , tongue greetz nicky -xxx-

    1635. >Dr4gN-> [NicK]  (2008-08-10 5:41 PM)
    sup pplz? :P

    1634. TruTh [3oSs]  (2008-08-10 10:18 AM)
    nicky if you need another co-leader for b-clan im available happy

    1633. Steef Maduro [Steef]  (2008-08-10 10:18 AM)
    yes good luck zyn nice playing cw with yah homie wink

    1632. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-10 10:07 AM)
    succes ZyN in _PS we were proud to have you for the time you was in our clan, goodluck your still the best tho , greetz nicky -xxx-

    1631. TruTh [3oSs]  (2008-08-10 9:49 AM)
    viali left the clan and went to tidal??? dry

    1630. .:TidaL'   (2008-08-10 8:40 AM)
    nicky unblock olav on msn so we can talk about a cw plz

    1629. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-10 7:24 AM)
    yea thats cool tho , we will talk on msn about it , greetz nicky

    1628. .:TidaL'   (2008-08-10 7:15 AM)
    hey nicky <-< want a cw by any chance?

    1627. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-10 6:07 AM)
    great we missed you playaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, <3 -xxx- nicky

    1626. Playa   (2008-08-10 5:41 AM)
    Hay Die HooOO Im Backk in business yahh

    1625. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-10 4:52 AM)
    A lot of fakers are on bomb lately , they want to make look us bad, i know who the faker was "" .:Guden ,TIDAL STORM"", a bit pathetic but they want to look good , our time will come, advice to the members , dont duel before talked on msn and get a 3th person in convoi, so for all the fakers the duels wich not been talk over on msn with a 3th person are fake and dont come on site!!!!! , So dont come cry after cuz i dont put them up !!!! greetz -xxx- nicky

    1624. TruTh [3oSs]  (2008-08-10 4:32 AM)
    hello guys im back for a couple of days from vacation and leaving teusday again so tongue playing for 2 days again i will write gb bef4r leaving tongue vippy gone wacko wacko sad

    1623. nick [WARRIOR]  (2008-08-10 3:34 AM)

    no.1 im not in <-< ....
    no.2 you agreed with me before duel it was fun duel and not proper duel
    no.3huh? i neva used <-< and my name wen i dueled u was >EnTeR-> ...

    greetz >WaRR->

    1622. .   (2008-08-10 2:20 AM)
    rofl warr u nap. First u using <-< tag ROFL. 2nd u lost by Xz`abe nap.. tz what a shit

    1621. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-09 2:18 PM)
    oki nick its changed already tho , greetz -xxx- nicky

    1620. >Dr4gN-> [NicK]  (2008-08-08 5:38 PM)
    hey guys, just to tell u guys, i changed my name into Dr4gN, cyaz in bomb!!


    1619. >SnC-> [NicK]  (2008-08-08 5:27 PM)
    Nicky, i wanna change my bomberman name cuz there is pplz that wont stop copying my name and playing bad.... Talk to me on msn when u get this messager..

    1618. >SnC-> [NicK]  (2008-08-08 5:26 PM)
    Nicky, i wanna change my bomberman name cuz there is pplz that wont stop copying my name and playing (i wanna call you a noob, but the truth is im gay lol)ish.... Talk to me on msn when u get this messager..


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