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    161-180 of 1857 messages displayed
    1697. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-15 4:56 PM)
    I will, mtf, playa, dolha, 3r0rr,virgo, chain ow already there , i stop then, that was easy surprised , but you never hear me say viali is not a good player, i have respect for that guy, he is a class player but there are better , greetz nicky -xxx-

    1696. .:4-Pack   (2008-08-15 4:51 PM)
    lol u havnt seen best of viali if he wasnt in the top 10 name 5 of them that are better.

    1695. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-15 4:48 PM)
    Yea 3r0rr has a point, there are much better then viali in A , viali is good tho but he wasnt in top 10 of our A squad , with all my respect , greetz nicky-xxx-

    1694. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-15 4:37 PM)
    Thx $a4W , see you around, greetz -xxx- nicky

    1693. $a4W   (2008-08-15 4:28 PM)
    Hi guys,

    good page and good players.

    <3 error, viali

    good luck, ex T7'ler $a4W wink

    for questions, ICQ: 214-776-575 ;=)

    Greetz $a4W

    1692. .:4-Pack   (2008-08-15 4:28 PM)
    i admite <-< is a nice clan a very underrate clan

    but atm i dont lke it cuz of u writing a fake duel and now this clan is on my list haha

    btw i asked abe he said .:envy was a faker ask him urself ?

    1691. v1p [v1p]  (2008-08-15 4:11 PM)
    + 3r0rr -
    and i m only in B not even A.. now i m pwning good players ..
    so then i will be pwning all bm.. SOON

    1690. oL4v [ViaLi]  (2008-08-15 4:10 PM)
    dont rate people/clans when u havent seen the best of them!
    error has definitely not seen the best of me, and i dont think envy has seen the best of <-<

    i am relaxed nicky i just didnt get why vip were so pumped cool

    1689. Michael [3r0rr]  (2008-08-15 3:56 PM)
    envy i can say u viali wasnt one of best in clan wink <-< got many good player u just say it cause u wanna get us down .. cause <-< is no fame clan but they have good player maybe some nn but they own some of Tidal wink

    many player say <-< is much to unterrated u said it by ur own so why u try to get clan worser?

    1688. .:4-Pack   (2008-08-15 3:50 PM)
    also 1 decent player v1p played (HyDrO) he lost and hydro said he played bad lol

    1687. v1p [v1p]  (2008-08-15 3:42 PM)
    dash becuz i aint active if u aint blind .. FOoL

    1686. .:TidaL'   (2008-08-15 3:34 PM)
    also ViaLi chose to leave <-< for .:Tidal he didnt cry or he didnt get kicked was his descision so why u try dissing him v1p olav was ur best player after zYn lol

    1685. Bi$kY [NickY]  (2008-08-15 2:42 PM)
    olav stay calmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , grrr , i will greetz -xxx-

    1684. Da$h.   (2008-08-15 2:11 PM)
    If the duel's bother you that much v1p why don't you win some? and how about some decent competetion atleast not against the likes of eH_L@sT.

    1683. >N!cK-> [NicK]  (2008-08-15 1:44 PM)
    and also, i couple of days ago, I forgot to mention

    >N!ck-> vs. Dap+' 3-0

    1682. >N!cK-> [NicK]  (2008-08-15 1:43 PM)
    alright mik wink

    1681. miKzi [miKzi]  (2008-08-15 12:35 PM)
    Nick, fun duels aint with points..

    If someone askes for duels with points so aint it for fun anymore.

    1680. k0nYa   (2008-08-15 12:14 PM)
    Hey.. Hoo.. Caan i Joiin ? ..

    GreeTz k0nYa

    1679. >N!cK-> [NicK]  (2008-08-15 12:02 PM)
    Mik, wasn't it a Fun duel?...

    I thought that 4be was making the duel 4 fun :S

    1678. oL4v [ViaLi]  (2008-08-15 11:59 AM)

    i asked her to remove my duels since im out, whats wrong with that. angry

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