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    Pages: « 1 2 ... 79 80 81 82 83 ... 92 93 »
    1601-1620 of 1857 messages displayed
    257. Nicky [NickY]  (2008-05-02 5:35 PM)
    who was that bored to come do this in our guestbook bash , greetz nicky

    256. .   (2008-05-02 5:16 PM)
    gunsmilie killed newyear oops partytime pepsi pimp rockon showoff sniper wiggle wine wow bangin band beer admin broken cigar console death doctor dwarf fish fishing google grog

    255. Nicky [NickY]  (2008-05-02 11:39 AM)
    you call him mr then why you never say miss to me angry greetzzzzzzzzzzzz nicky

    254. ViaLi [ViaLi]  (2008-05-02 11:06 AM)
    ow ok :P

    ask Thomas (cube), mr camp

    253. SanTa ( 0oLD) [0oLD]  (2008-05-02 9:29 AM)
    Hey, did my story was true that Gutz is a clanhopper?

    252. Nicky [NickY]  (2008-05-02 8:54 AM)
    Olav?? Its not Bjorn bangin , greetz nicky biggrin

    251. ViaLi [ViaLi]  (2008-05-02 7:33 AM)
    ask thomas not me bjørn smile

    250. HyDrO   (2008-05-02 7:06 AM)
    the story i heard, s that you have tried to enter a nother clan.. en thats mean you r a hopper..so i think end of discussion.. maybe someday youcan try again..

    but DONT Tell Lies..

    greetzz hydro aka Hope aka Saint

    249. Nicky [NickY]  (2008-05-02 6:15 AM)
    Earlier you admit he tested you , your happy in a clan you dont take test from someone else, thats all whats the matter and i dont do or be sad , its how it is, greetz nicky

    248. Nicky [NickY]  (2008-05-02 0:23 AM)
    GuTz, you did a test to become member of rifs clan, no problem, but we only wanna have members who like it in <-<, so you gonna ask to join other clan, that means you no happy in <-<, so i will help you, YOURE KICKED, succes in your new clan, beer greetzzz nicky

    247. patrick campman [HyDrO]  (2008-05-01 3:34 PM)
    Viali you r in Em aren't you?
    maybe a clanwar against me and AgenT? smile

    246. ViaLi   (2008-05-01 1:46 PM)
    lolly k add Tapern_inc@hotmail.com if u have GuTs ;d,d.:d:d:D.d;D

    245. Nicky [NickY]  (2008-05-01 9:44 AM)
    not yet bowza you know tho , greetz nicky

    244. james moran [bowza1]  (2008-05-01 9:06 AM)
    wen can i get a test

    biggrin biggrin biggrin thanx bowza1

    243. james moran [bowza1]  (2008-05-01 9:05 AM)
    hey nicky wen can get a test

    242. james moran [bowza1]  (2008-05-01 8:30 AM)
    whos online

    241. bS*1C3 [Cr1m3]  (2008-04-30 8:16 PM)
    esso u want a clan war (i wanna call you a noob, but the turth is im gay lol)?

    240. eson [e$s0]  (2008-04-30 12:40 PM)
    ow and 1 more thing please dont use are gb to rite in like:ur clan sucks or like e$s0 sucks its useless
    wacko ?

    239. eson [e$s0]  (2008-04-30 12:39 PM)
    beer we got a new member!

    please respect <-ZyN<!

    238. ViaLi [ViaLi]  (2008-04-30 10:15 AM)
    problems? i was talking to yardy, not u p4ace rofl

    i dont care what the other eM members is saying/doing/thinking wacko

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